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Not Throwing Away My Shot - #OneWord2017

2017 – My Year of Living Audaciously

I have been listening to Hamilton: The Musical a lot recently. In the parking lot, before I enter the school building, I pause to finish singing along to one of the tunes. The lyrics run through my head throughout the day. If Hamilton: The Musical has become my “ear worm” then so be it. I’m inspired by the lyrics “I am not throwing away my shot”, “And the world turned upside down”, and “Rise up”.

Hamilton and his countrymen lived audaciously. Audacious is defined as showing a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks. The patriots didn’t stand around muttering “what if”. They boldly stated, “why not” and chased their dreams.

I’ve chosen AUDACIOUS as my #OneWord2017. I’m not sure where this #OneWord will take me but I’m ready to find out! Why not? RISE UP!

Audacious quotes

“Be as audacious As you wish. By all means look to the heavens.” Scott Hastie

The most fearless hearts, the audacious dreamers, have always maintained a sense of optimism that often flies in the face of the available evidence. Martin O’Malley

“If the leader is filled with high ambition and if he pursues his aims with audacity and strength of will, he will reach them in spite of all obstacles.” Carl Van Clausewitz

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