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Highlighters, Hair Color, and Happiness: Reflections on The Seed by Jon Gordon

I frequently highlight books while I’m reading them. I love to take a fluorescent highlighter and mark up quotes that have meaning to me in the moment. If the author’s words really hit home with me, I’ll put stars and arrows next to it.

I just read The Seed: Finding Purpose and Happiness in Life and Work by Jon Gordon. In all honesty, I pulled the book off the shelf to take with me to my hair appointment. It looked short enough to read while my hair color was processing. The Seed is a tiny book with a BIG impact.

As I read, I highlighted words of wisdom that spoke to my current personal and professional journey. You could say that the following three quotes were showstoppers for me:

“He wasn’t lost. He was just somewhere between where he was and where he wanted to go” (p.54). My family can testify to the fact that as I talked about my professional life recently I’ve said things like, “I’m not sure where I fit anymore” and “I’m not sure what to do next”. I’m not lost; I’m just in-between, and that’s okay.

“Humans spend so much of their time living in the past and imaging the future that they don’t fully enjoy the moment” (p.89). I should probably write this quote on post-it notes and cover my walls with it. This one reminds me to stop fretting over the future and just be happy in the present moment.

“Trust more in God’s plan than your own limited thinking and you’ll accomplish more than you ever thought possible” (p.102). This quote brings to mind the hymn, “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms.” I can even hear my mom singing, “Leaning, leaning, safe and secure from all alarms.” It’s time to follow mom’s advice and lean on the One who lifts you up.

The last five months of 2017 have been incredibly challenging both personally and professionally. I enter 2018 with a mixture of fear and anticipation. To help me turn down the angst and turn up the hopefulness, I plan to revisit these quotes during the coming days and weeks:

“The key is to focus on the one thing about your job that you love instead of concentrating on all the stuff that drains you” (p.56).

“…it’s not the job you do that matters. It’s the energy and mind set that you bring to your job that really matters” (p.72).

“I’ve learned that adversity is not a dead end but a detour to a better outcome than you can imagine.” (p.80)

“Every job, good or bad, trains us for the work we are meant to do in the future. Challenges only make you stronger” (p.83).

“There is a process that you are meant to go through in order to be shaped and prepared for your future and delays and challenges are part of this process” (p.90).

“…your greatest challenge likely served as the preparation to help you live and share your greatest purpose; and the worst event of your life prepared you for the greatest assignment of your life” (p.98).

“Remember, your purpose and faith must be greater than the opinions of others” (p.102).

Thank you, Jon Gordon. I think you wrote The Seed for me! (Maybe, I’ll purchase some copies for the hair salon. People should always process their purpose while their hair color is processing!)

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